For the first time ever, the Global Management Challenge was brought to Kenya’s doorstep. Over the course of 5 weeks this past February and early March 2015, GMC Kenya conducted its inaugural competition with 24 teams in tow. It culminated in the top 8 teams competing in the National Final at the Nairobi Garage on Saturday, 14th March. Just as they had over the past 5 weeks, these top teams made 5 decisions as they endeavored to represent Kenya in the forthcoming International Final this April 2015 in Prague.
The day’s and month’s work was celebrated at a cocktail event filled with friends, sponsors and supporters of GMC Kenya and its promising teams. At the evening’s conclusion, the winning team was announced with much anticipation and fervor. Celebrated for its victorious performance throughout the Final, 1st Place was awarded to Team ‘Smooth Operators’, a professional team from Tropical Heat (Sanjay Gandhi, Raksha Sarjua and Shailesh Mehta). 2nd Place went to Team ‘LMNTARY’ — an all female student team from Strathmore University (Natasha Boella, Rebecca Gichanga, Lavender Okore and June Mutelesa). 3rd Place was presented to DataPosit’s sponsored squad, Team ‘Dataposit’ (Wacu Mureithi – Team representative at National Final, Nadia Sumar and Dorcas Owiso).