Rayan Fayad joined up with the firm Events&Beyond and together they are organizing the Global Management Challenge in Nigeria. Earlier this year they began their first edition and the ambition is to send their team to the international final in April.
“In Nigeria there is nothing like the Global Management Challenge, nothing with simulators and so I thought it would be a very good opportunity for this competition to be held there”, says Rayan Fayad. In the meantime the pilot edition of the competition began timidly, with a few dozen teams, but the ambition of the organizers is to grow and expand in Nigeria to the major cities, already with the next editions.
One of the benefits that Rayan Fayad mentions of this Portuguese initiative is how it develops skills. “It is a means for skills training and is true to life”, he says, adding that it is difficult to practise in real life what you learn in college because people tend to specialize in one area when choosing their careers. “Students and executives don’t have the opportunity to train in a practical way such as the Global Management Challenge provides them, especially the chance to make decisions and learn from their mistakes”, concludes Rayan Fayad.