in Expresso, 14 of October, 2022
The city of Luanda, capital of Angola, will host the international final of the 2022 edition of the Global Management Challenge, scheduled for next year, where the winners of each country where this initiative takes place will be present. It will be the first time in the history of this Portuguese competition that an African country hosts this event.
“We hope to have a greater number of countries than this year”, explained Fernando Assunção, from the organization of the Global Management Challenge Angola, during the international final, held this month in Santiago de Compostela. “Although Angola is a country with many difficulties, being a mixture of wealth and poverty, Luanda is a city with a lot of life. We are thinking of organizing tourist events to provide pleasant moments for the participants”, he added.
The month in which the event will take place is yet to be defined.
For now, and regarding the internal competition, the Angolan organization wants to grow in the number of teams. In the 2022 edition, whose registration in the country ends at the end of this month. They want to reach close to 200 teams. In the following year they expect this number to rise to 300 teams.
It will be the first time that an African country will host an international final of the Global Management Challenge
Until now, most of the teams participating the competition in Angola are university student teams. For Fernando Assunção, “in the Global Management Challenge, students learn about leadership, develop management and strategy skills, make decisions and work on team spirit”.
The corporate teams “find here a reinforcement of the skills acquired and developed during college. Sometimes, in their daily work, they do not practice all the aspects learned, and here they have the opportunity to revive knowledge”, stressed the Angolan organizer. In a country like Angola, an emerging economy with more than 30 million inhabitants, evidence of strategy and management like this is, in Fernando Assunção’s opinion, of great importance for the business fabric. “We have a great entrepreneurial spirit. This is an opportunity to open the minds of many of our young people, to understand that the world is global and that with this type of simulation they can develop skills that are very important. It helps to create leaders, and we need leaders” he concluded.
On the African continent, and in addition to Angola, the Global Management Challenge is present in Benin, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Kenya, Senegal and Togo.
Journalist/ Expresso: Maribela Freitas
Photo: Xaime Cortizo