Bringing companies and academia together

The company Noesis received a team of students in the second round of the competition.

The participation of Noesis in the current edition of the Global Management Challenge focused on five students teams of which one, Noesis IST, made it to the second round. This week Alexandre Rosa, CEO of Noesis, received members of this team at the headquarters of the company he leads, with a view to strengthening ties with the academic world, exchanging experiences between those who work and study, and motivating them to strive for a good result in the competition.

“With our participation in the challenge we want to bring Noesis closer to the universities to let the people who work here imbibe a little of the academic spirit” explains Alexandre Rosa. At a time when the second round of the competition is now in its second week the three members of the Noesis IST team, Rafael Santos, Ana Cláudia Amorim and Margarida Correia, were welcomed at the company’s installations. They had the opportunity to get a closer look at how Noesis works, talking to professionals who work here and learn about their route into the labour market.

Contact with talent

In the opinion of Alexander Rose, initiatives like the Global Management Challenge that create links between academia and business are always positive. Besides, “it is an opportunity to recruit talent and this is also one of the underlying goals in our support for teams”. In his view, this evidence plays an important role in the training and qualification of future professionals. When team members in this strategy and management simulation test their knowledge and skills, they are forced to face management challenges and can benefit from a clear view of their actions on the performance of an organization.
A view shared by Rafael Santos, head of Noesis IST. “The competition is a complement to our studies. We learned specific economics and management terms and now we have tested them in practice”, he says. On another level, being engineering students, they are accustomed to thinking about the problems they have to solve and structuring them to find a solution. And this is the work methodology that they brought to the competition and that has already borne fruit, since the team performed well up to this point and has already reached the second round


So far, Rafael Santos feels that one of the greatest lessons he has taken from the experience was “knowing how to deal with people. We are part of a team and we have to know how to listen, to give our opinion and work from one point to reach the same objective”. Synchronizing decision-making with the academic experiences of each member of the team has been the hardest part of managing throughout this process.
For these students visiting Noesis was a first contact with the business world where they could very well end up working in the future.

In Expresso, 8 October 2016
Journalist: Maribela Freitas/Expresso
Photographer: LuÍs Coelho/Expresso

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